SCORE Salutes Small Business Successes
For the 15th consecutive year, the Canton Regional Chapter of SCORE hosted its Client Recognition Event which paid tribute to four successful businesses – two for-profit and two non-profits. At the event, AllStaff was recognized as the 2023 Business of the Year.
AllStaff CEO, Ryan Klusch, and Team
AllStaff was recognized as the Alliance Large Business of the Year during the annual Alliance Chamber of Commerce Business Alliance Awards Ceremony at the Hoover Price Campus Center, hosted by the University of Mount Union. About 180 people from the Alliance business community attended the event. Ryan Klusch, AllStaff CEO Ryan Klusch said, “We’re honored and touched to win the Alliance Large Business of the Year Award. Alliance is an amazing place to work with fantastic businesses and people. It’s also a wonderful place to live. The announcement of the award came as a most pleasant surprise. We also are grateful for the counseling we received from SCORE mentors. They helped us bring more strategic thinking to our business and marketing planning.”
AllStaff wishes to congratulate all of the companies recognized at this year’s event.
Canton Regional SCORE serves clients – both for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations and both start-ups and existing businesses – throughout Stark, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Holmes and Harrison counties.